Army Chaplain Corps Anniversary

Army Chaplain Corps Anniversary


Army Chaplain Corps Anniversary

The United States Army Chaplain Corps is a unique part of American military tradition. Said to be among the smallest (if not THE smallest) unit in the U.S. Army, the Chaplain Corps predates Independence Day and since this unit began, chaplains have served in every American conflict. Army Chaplain Corps …


Army Chaplain Corps Anniversary

The United States Army Chaplain Corps is a unique part of American military tradition. Said to be among the smallest (if not THE smallest) unit in the U.S. Army, the Chaplain Corps predates Independence Day and since this unit began, chaplains have served in every American conflict. Army Chaplain Corps …


Army Chaplain Corps Anniversary

The United States Army Chaplain Corps is a unique part of American military tradition. Said to be among the smallest (if not THE smallest) unit in the U.S. Army, the Chaplain Corps predates Independence Day and since this unit began, chaplains have served in every American conflict. Army Chaplain Corps …

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