President Trump, it’s time you get the truth from us Veterans. My Telehealth Program is not as great as the VA Sec. showed to you Proof of data manipulation/false reporting.
Hello Mr. bolden, my name is Rick Strickland and I just atumbled across onw of your recent post. I was able to see that it was at the james haley hosp. I go there as well for some of my treatments. I was just cutious has to how often you are there so maybe i could get the chance to meet you in person. I have been fighting the VA just like yourself.
So hopefully we will meet again soon and that you for taking time to read this.
Hi Rick, thanks, I have slowed down a lot on going there, but I hope to do more soon. I’m looking at going Tuesday or Friday, normally I try to get there by 1100-1300, that way I catch the lunch traffic. I look forward to seeing you. I also link up with a guy at the Bay Pines VA, he is a lot more organized than me. he does his periodically
I went through what you are going through exactly, I found out that I had Systemic sclerosis, from TCE contamination. I also had issue with nodules that was called Calcinosis. The problem is Military contaminated us and still don’t want to admit it, But if you look at the symptoms that those at Camp lejeune have you can cross reference your own symptoms with them. Also Look up EPA Superfund sites, and see if you was at any of the post? And if you spent time doing one of the following jobs, cleaning weapons, they are dunked in TCE, Cleaning airplanes, motor pool cleaning vehicles, I am guessing you will find that you have done some work around TCE, and or PCE. But TCE has the symptoms you describe. I am guessing you have some lower white cell counts on your blood test also, but mostly still in range, maybe Lymphocytes, and platelets low on occasion over the years? I have A negative blood also, genetically from Northern Africa. But European. Took me Months to put all this together, but VA won’t tell Veterans that they were contaminated as most of us will die from blood pressure issue’s, Kidney problems, and other Cancers and autoimmunity. If you have some of this, the clock is ticking before your health takes a dive. There was to many Veterans contaminated for the Government to admit what happen to us, so there play was to seal it. They stopped ordering TCE in 1995 when they realized what it does, But EPA knew all this in 1978, as they did first test. The Government has avoided much Human testing until Camp Lejune, I was diagnosed wrongly in 1988 as having Hemophilia. What I had was contamination. The weapons I worked with as Unit armorer was covered in TCE or Dunked at main armorery, then sent back to me, I would disassemble and touch directly the TCE, and if you smell it on regular basis it can cause same effect. Most Veterans got some from the water, as the dry cleaners on Base used TCE, and since it is a solvent they also used for other purposes. Hope this helps, sounds like start of Systemic sclerosis or Lupus from contamination?
It truly seems like you are getting no help and nobody cares. Your use of the word “criminal” seems quite appropriate here. And it is criminal to treat sick veterans like they are malingerers, like the cardiologist’s comment seemed to imply. And why not fabricate test results while they’re at it, since they have put out so much other fraudulent data regarding care and wait times, etc., etc. All made up. I tried VA health care in 2016 since I was stationed at Camp Lejeune in the early 1980’s and was eligible. I quickly found that they were only interested in giving me a pap test and a colonoscopy, no matter what other problems I was experiencing. The frustration involved in dealing with them was enough to kill the strongest of vets. Having grown up in the Philadelphia area where there was excellent health care available, I simply couldn’t believe it. You have to fight to get care at the VA, not something anyone should have to do, so I disenrolled after six months and enrolled in ACA, my only other option since I did not have insurance through an employer. Even if care is hard to access in the ACA, there is not the total disrespect and dishonor that you deal with at the VA– which is enough to kill anyone. (Like your cardiologist’s comment.) Your shirt says it all. Why any of these veterans’ groups would want the VA to remain in existence I can’t understand. We have been forgotten and abandoned. Thank you for speaking out. Continue to stand tall and tell the truth about them. We are Marines. We speak the truth!! The VA is the fraud. Don’t ever let them kill your spirit. Semper Fi!!!
Hi Brad,
I looked at all of your you tube videos since posting my above comment a few days ago. I’m sorry I mistakenly thought you were a Marine instead of a Soldier. You are my brother and you speak for me. You speak the truth. I am OUTRAGED by their treatment of you! Definitely enough to kill most vets. Your you tube videos are very powerful. I agree that your situation is telling about how the rest of us get treated, with you being of a high rank and with so many years in the Army. I completely agree with you, that most people in your situation would be dead as a result of this treatment. This is why I walked away from the VA. I felt it was enough to kill the strongest of vets. But why should we have to walk away? If all dishonored veterans would do what you have done, with speaking out in these videos, the VA would be gone. I especially liked Dishonored Veteran (Mr. Obama is lying). Very powerful video. I loved your statement in Dishonored Veteran 1 @ 22:30 minutes, “I’m not waiting on you” …. “We are going to keep fighting.” And from Dishonored Veteran (deny until he dies) @ 1:04:30, “We’re not taking this shit anymore!” And at 1:05:14, “We’re not going away. We’re going to get louder and louder.” It is in no way an understatement to say that veterans are being slaughtered, tortured, murdered, and neglected. I also was impressed by the Dishonored Veteran, Bradley Bolden video confronting VA Director Joe Battle, where you say, “So I’m not asking you this year, I’m demanding my rights be met!” Way to go Brad! God bless you for standing up against this evil organization, which just wanted you to go away and die. To the VA Fraud, to Congress, who repeatedly expresses outrage but who never effectively acts in our interest, and to President Trump, who seems to want to help us but who remains stymied and ineffective by this longstanding corrupt situation: We are coming after you with the truth! We’re not taking this shit anymore!
Semper Fi Brad
Thank you for your service Bradley and thank you for sharing. Together we will.~MoAB
Hello Mr. bolden, my name is Rick Strickland and I just atumbled across onw of your recent post. I was able to see that it was at the james haley hosp. I go there as well for some of my treatments. I was just cutious has to how often you are there so maybe i could get the chance to meet you in person. I have been fighting the VA just like yourself.
So hopefully we will meet again soon and that you for taking time to read this.
Sincerely, Rick Strickland
Hi Rick, thanks, I have slowed down a lot on going there, but I hope to do more soon. I’m looking at going Tuesday or Friday, normally I try to get there by 1100-1300, that way I catch the lunch traffic. I look forward to seeing you. I also link up with a guy at the Bay Pines VA, he is a lot more organized than me. he does his periodically
I went through what you are going through exactly, I found out that I had Systemic sclerosis, from TCE contamination. I also had issue with nodules that was called Calcinosis. The problem is Military contaminated us and still don’t want to admit it, But if you look at the symptoms that those at Camp lejeune have you can cross reference your own symptoms with them. Also Look up EPA Superfund sites, and see if you was at any of the post? And if you spent time doing one of the following jobs, cleaning weapons, they are dunked in TCE, Cleaning airplanes, motor pool cleaning vehicles, I am guessing you will find that you have done some work around TCE, and or PCE. But TCE has the symptoms you describe. I am guessing you have some lower white cell counts on your blood test also, but mostly still in range, maybe Lymphocytes, and platelets low on occasion over the years? I have A negative blood also, genetically from Northern Africa. But European. Took me Months to put all this together, but VA won’t tell Veterans that they were contaminated as most of us will die from blood pressure issue’s, Kidney problems, and other Cancers and autoimmunity. If you have some of this, the clock is ticking before your health takes a dive. There was to many Veterans contaminated for the Government to admit what happen to us, so there play was to seal it. They stopped ordering TCE in 1995 when they realized what it does, But EPA knew all this in 1978, as they did first test. The Government has avoided much Human testing until Camp Lejune, I was diagnosed wrongly in 1988 as having Hemophilia. What I had was contamination. The weapons I worked with as Unit armorer was covered in TCE or Dunked at main armorery, then sent back to me, I would disassemble and touch directly the TCE, and if you smell it on regular basis it can cause same effect. Most Veterans got some from the water, as the dry cleaners on Base used TCE, and since it is a solvent they also used for other purposes. Hope this helps, sounds like start of Systemic sclerosis or Lupus from contamination?
It truly seems like you are getting no help and nobody cares. Your use of the word “criminal” seems quite appropriate here. And it is criminal to treat sick veterans like they are malingerers, like the cardiologist’s comment seemed to imply. And why not fabricate test results while they’re at it, since they have put out so much other fraudulent data regarding care and wait times, etc., etc. All made up. I tried VA health care in 2016 since I was stationed at Camp Lejeune in the early 1980’s and was eligible. I quickly found that they were only interested in giving me a pap test and a colonoscopy, no matter what other problems I was experiencing. The frustration involved in dealing with them was enough to kill the strongest of vets. Having grown up in the Philadelphia area where there was excellent health care available, I simply couldn’t believe it. You have to fight to get care at the VA, not something anyone should have to do, so I disenrolled after six months and enrolled in ACA, my only other option since I did not have insurance through an employer. Even if care is hard to access in the ACA, there is not the total disrespect and dishonor that you deal with at the VA– which is enough to kill anyone. (Like your cardiologist’s comment.) Your shirt says it all. Why any of these veterans’ groups would want the VA to remain in existence I can’t understand. We have been forgotten and abandoned. Thank you for speaking out. Continue to stand tall and tell the truth about them. We are Marines. We speak the truth!! The VA is the fraud. Don’t ever let them kill your spirit. Semper Fi!!!
Hi Brad,
I looked at all of your you tube videos since posting my above comment a few days ago. I’m sorry I mistakenly thought you were a Marine instead of a Soldier. You are my brother and you speak for me. You speak the truth. I am OUTRAGED by their treatment of you! Definitely enough to kill most vets. Your you tube videos are very powerful. I agree that your situation is telling about how the rest of us get treated, with you being of a high rank and with so many years in the Army. I completely agree with you, that most people in your situation would be dead as a result of this treatment. This is why I walked away from the VA. I felt it was enough to kill the strongest of vets. But why should we have to walk away? If all dishonored veterans would do what you have done, with speaking out in these videos, the VA would be gone. I especially liked Dishonored Veteran (Mr. Obama is lying). Very powerful video. I loved your statement in Dishonored Veteran 1 @ 22:30 minutes, “I’m not waiting on you” …. “We are going to keep fighting.” And from Dishonored Veteran (deny until he dies) @ 1:04:30, “We’re not taking this shit anymore!” And at 1:05:14, “We’re not going away. We’re going to get louder and louder.” It is in no way an understatement to say that veterans are being slaughtered, tortured, murdered, and neglected. I also was impressed by the Dishonored Veteran, Bradley Bolden video confronting VA Director Joe Battle, where you say, “So I’m not asking you this year, I’m demanding my rights be met!” Way to go Brad! God bless you for standing up against this evil organization, which just wanted you to go away and die. To the VA Fraud, to Congress, who repeatedly expresses outrage but who never effectively acts in our interest, and to President Trump, who seems to want to help us but who remains stymied and ineffective by this longstanding corrupt situation: We are coming after you with the truth! We’re not taking this shit anymore!
Semper Fi Brad