Category: Cannabis

Pot never should have been illegal in the first place

Pot never should have been illegal in the first place Marijuana Policy Project: States lead the way with legalization Steve Hawkins Opinion contributor Last week, Gallup reported that a record-high 66 percent of Americans now say marijuana should be legal. The reason is simple: Marijuana never should have been illegal in …

One Year Later, Massachusetts’ Marijuana Sales Hit $393 Million

  November 27, 2019 By Kaitlin Domangue A year has passed since Massachusetts began sales its sale of legal adult-use cannabis and while the state showed no interest in rushing the matter, customers showed their interest as they rushed to the stores. It was a long road to get there. …

How Cannabis Prohibition Is Harming Veterans Suffering From PTSD And Other Ailments

Apr 15, 2019, 07:50am How Cannabis Prohibition Is Harming Veterans Suffering From PTSD And Other Ailments GETTY IMAGES The scientific blacklisting of cannabis hurts veterans especially hard. Cannabis research Studying cannabis is really, really, difficult in the United States. Just ask Dr. Sue Sisley, who has spent the last ten …


NEARLY CENTURY OLD RESEARCH PROVES CANNABIS’ EFFECTIVENESS IN BATTLING EPILEPSY, MIGRAINES, ASTHMA, SPASMS… POSTED BY THATHEMPYGIRL | SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 | HEMP NEWS A look inside 70-year old research and how the FDA should respond Over the past two decades, since California legalized medical marijuana cannabis in 1996, the United States Food and Drug Administration …

Luxembourg to be first European country to legalise cannabis

Luxembourg to be first European country to legalise cannabis Health minister confirms plans and calls on neighbouring countries to relax their laws Daniel Boffey in Brussels Wed 7 Aug 2019 13.12 EDT Last modified on Thu 8 Aug 2019 10.59 EDT Luxembourg has called on its EU neighbours to relax their drug laws as its …

Texas State Police Memo Directs Officers To Stop Marijuana Possession Arrests

Texas State Police Memo Directs Officers To Stop Marijuana Possession Arrests August 1, 2019 By Marijuana Moment By Jolie McCullough, The Texas Tribune Texas’ largest law enforcement agency is moving away from arresting people for low-level marijuana offenses. It’s the latest development in the chaos that has surrounded pot prosecution after state lawmakers legalized hemp this year. As …

‘A blow to law enforcement efforts’: New hemp laws temporarily halting marijuana-related arrests

‘A blow to law enforcement efforts’: New hemp laws temporarily halting marijuana-related arrests Posted: 11:16 PM, Jul 16, 2019 Updated: 4:18 AM, Jul 17, 2019 By: Meghan McRoberts MARTIN COUNTY, Fla. — Law enforcement officers in our area face a new obstacle in pursuing investigations into illegal use and possession of marijuana. According …

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