Gary John Homuth, a respected service man, a deeply loved husband, an adored father, a beloved son, brother, and friend…..
“My name is Staff Sergeant Gary J. Homuth from Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado. I’ve been in the Air Force since September 03, 2002 as a member of the 460th Security Forces Squadron. I’ve been to Iraq 2 Xs at Kirkuk Air Base for over 6 months each visit. I’m sure I’ll end back up in that country before this thing is through. Being over there was a complete eye opener and actually led me to God. After seeing over 200 rocket and mortar attacks my first trip I realized that when these things would hit they would blow, unless they were around us Americans. I thought at first that maybe it was just a group of sympathizers shooting them for money, but not arming them, or maybe they just didn’t know how to arm them. But this was proven false after meeting one of the terrorists involved in the attacks on our base. One night posted in a tower on the east side of the base, facing the city, I was watching the city and curfew was about to come into effect when I hear a pop and then time slowed down… I actually watched a rocket come streaming into the sky and right at my tower. I froze and kept thinking, get down, get down, get down, but my body just ignored me and watched this rocket as the smoke trailed like an arrow lead with an orange glow to my tower. Then at the last second, looked like no more than 10 feet (I could feel the wind gust from the rocket) and the rocket changed direction and we never heard it land and we couldn’t find it afterward either. Long story short, from that day I realized that something out there was protecting us from these things and I was led to my bible that I was given prior to the deployment. I have been on fire for the word and for the things of God ever since. I currently am a member of Praise Church in Littleton, Colorado.”
“And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, ‘Fear not; I am the first and the last:'” Revelation 1:17
The following excerpt shared from 22 Too Many, written by his mother, Kathy:
“Born in Riverside, CA. “From a very young age it was obvious that Gary was going to be in the military. He carried out chores to the letter, nothing less. A prankster in junior high, a great student in high school. Even though he played very little, it meant the world to him just to be on the football team. During the summer of 2002, just after graduation Gary spent days at a time gaming with his friends. We even found him asleep at his computer with the air conditioner on, him in his letterman’s jacket. Gary enjoyed cooking very much. Along with the shooting range, he used cooking as his outlet. We never worried about Gary joining the Air Force, we knew that if someone said “duck” he would do just that and not question it. Gary fell deeply in love with a woman who couldn’t be a military wife and that caused a lot of problems in their marriage. He worked hard to find an answer, find another job that would provide. He noted that 2012 was the hardest year of his life. Losing the job he loved and the woman he loved he couldn’t see another way. 9 days after leaving the Air Force and having a fight with his wife he left us a note and took his life. We have been devastated with the loss. We talked to him daily but he didn’t open to the problems. We beg anyone else going through this to get help, we know others are out there. Please don’t let another parent bury their child!”

I miss you friend.
I miss you every day brother. The times we had in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and at home were some of the best I had. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you man.
On this day 8 years ago, you left and I couldn’t say good bye. Gone but not forgotten.