Kentucky Medal of Honor recipient endorses legalized medical marijuana

Kentucky Medal of Honor recipient endorses legalized medical marijuana

Kentucky Medal of Honor recipient endorses legalized medical marijuana

Courtesy of WYMT/WKYT

FRANKFORT, Ky. (WYMT) — Kentucky Native and Medal of Honor Winner Sgt. Dakota Meyer says he supports medical marijuana legalization in Kentucky.

Meyer, a native of Columbia, received the Medal of Honor – the highest military decoration awarded by the United States Government — in 2011. At the time, he was only the third living recipient of the award since Vietnam, and the first living U.S. Marine in 41 years to be so honored.

Sergeant Meyer says he is endorsing House Bill 166 because he says he’s seen firsthand how it has positively impacted lives.

He also says he sees it as a huge step in fighting the opioid crisis.

Here is Meyer’s full statement.

Medical cannabis works. I’ve seen firsthand lives it has positively impacted. I’ve seen how quality of life is vastly improved when a veteran struggling with PTSD can use medical cannabis to quiet their mind and sleep. It’s time we move away from the old-school mentalities that are holding our Commonwealth back and preventing Kentuckians from getting relief. I see legalization of medical cannabis as a huge step in fighting the opioid crisis. Frankfort has to act. There are too many people – especially men and women who have served our country – who need help. I’m counting on legislators and the Governor to make medical cannabis legal in 2018.

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