Ryan Joseph Mitchell, beloved son, husband, father, friend and Fire Captain. He was loved and respected by so many. Surfer, natural athlete, adventure seeker, Jack of all trades, master of many.
Known as Lil Michelin man as a babe, Punkin in his youth, RJ by his sports teams, Pepper (one of the spice boyz) by the Locos Mocos crew, Noodle by his surfer family. He excelled in all that he attempted and lived his life for each moment. Ryan had a heart full of truth, class and character established on a foundation of moral clarity. His opinion was often counter to current culture, but he was never afraid to express it as it was founded in truth.
Captain Patrick Walker: “Ryan was not just a Firefighter, Ryan was a CalFire Captain and he was an exceptional one”.
Ryan is survived by:
Wife, Denelle, son Aiden, Jessie and faithful Blue Healer adventure hound Oso
Parents, William and Leslie Mitchell
Grandparents, Elwyn and Ann Gates, Jessie Gates
Uncles, Thomas Mitchell, Scott Dollard
Aunts, Lisa Phillips, Dana Mann, Cindy Dollard, Lynn Ann Harris
9 cousins and 12 In-law family members
Ryan knew in his early teens that he wanted to be a firefighter. Prior to his High school graduation he began to seek volunteer opportunities at various stations as directed by various department friends of the family. Soon after graduation from high school he attended Mira Mar College for fire science classes. Ryan’s exemplary fifteen year carrier with CalFire, San Diego County Fire, Helitack and US Forest Service and his numerous qualifications are the hallmarks of a career dedicated to serving communities throughout the state. He loved his job and the men and women he served with, always putting others first. He is and will be sorely missed by so many, but we will rejoice in the time we have had to live, laugh and love with him.